Raasi Athipathi Porutham

Raasi Athipathi Porutham is one of the factors in marriage matching.

In addition to Raasi Porutham, Raasi Athipathi

Porutham ensures greater understanding and

cohesiveness in a family life.

Another consideration that can support this Porutham is that, when one horoscope is running a Maha Dasa - favourable or unfavourable - if the Lords of the Raasis of both the horoscopes are friendly in nature, it will be far good to elicit maximum benefits from the Maha Dasa.

For going into Raasi Athipathi Porutham, we should ensure that the Lords of the two Raasis of the girl and boy are friendly to each other.

If the Lords of both Raasis are mutually friendly, it is far good.

If one Raasi Athipathi is friendly to the other and the other is neutral to the other, it is moderately matching.

If both Raasi Athipathis are mutually neutral to each other, it is also moderately matching. 

If one Raasi Athipathi is friendly to the other and the other one is rival to the first one, it is not matching.

If one Raasi Athipathi is neutral and the other one is rival to the former one, it is not matching.

Broadly based on the above, let us look at which Raasi of the Boy will match with which Raasi of the Girl.

Mesham & Vrichigam are the two Raasis for which Sevvai is the Athipathi.

Budhan is rival to Sevvai.  Sevvai is rival to Sani
As such, Mesham & Vrichigam will not match with Midhunam, Kanni, Makaram and Kumbam.

Rishabham & Thulam are the two Raasis for which Sukran is the Athipathi.

Sooriyan & Chandran are rivals to Sukran.  Sukran is rival to Guru.
As such, Simham, Katagam, Dhanur & Meenam will not match with Rishabham & Thulam.

Midhunam & Kanni are the two Raasis for which Budhan is the Athipathi.

Chandran is rival to Budhan.  Budhan is rival to Guru.

As such, Katagam, Dhanur & Meenam will not match with Midhunam & Kanni.

Katagam is the Raasi for which Chandran is the Athipathi.

Chandran is rival to Budhan & Sukran.

As such, Katagam will not match with Rishabham, Thulam, Midhunam & Kanni.

Simham is the Raasi for which Sooriyan is the Athipathi.

Sukran, Sani are rivals to Sooriyan.   

As such, Simham will not match with Rishabham, Thulam, Makaram &  Kumbam.

Dhanur & Meenam are the two Raasis for which Guru is the Athipathi.

Sukran & Budhan are rivals to Guru.  

As such, Rishabham, Thulam, Midhunam & Kanni will not match with Dhanur and Meenam.

Makaram & Kumbam are the two Raasis for which Sani is the Athipathi.

Sooriyan, Chandran & Sevvai are rivals to Sani.  

As such, Simham, Katagam, Mesham & Vrichigam will not match with Makaram and Kumbam.

Excepting the above combinations of Raasis, all other Raasis can be conceived as matching for the purpose of Raasi Athipathi Porutham